GOAL 3B-2050

Reaching out to the world – 3 billion people by 2050 with the gospel and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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These terms and conditions are hereby entered into by and between you and the Global Outreach Alliance For Jesus, also know as GOAL4Jesus — a ministry of Nations for Jesus Assembly Worldwide (NJAW) (a duly-registered Christian entity) and all registrants, associates, partners, subscribers, and/or participants concerned.

This agreement includes the ministry's mechanics and relevant contents of GOAL4Jesus, found specifically on the How It Works page and other related content. Thus, are all binding and inclusive accordingly.

  1. Partnership with this ministry site on various levels is voluntary in nature, based on the premise that every partner, such as partners in general, individual disciples, Christian ministries, and churches are all part of the Body of Christ. Hence, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Holy Bible, and the general Creed of Faith in this Great Commission ministry shall be the main basis of unity of faith among all partners, supporters, as well as adherents of this ministry site.
  2. That partners, in general, must not cause any harm or disadvantage in any way or manner to this ministry site.
  3. That each partner must have a church, fellowship group, ministry, and/or Christian organization membership or reference of generally good standing.
  4. That partners, in general, should indemnify GOAL4Jesus and its mother organization NJAW from any litigation, and that any issues should be resolved as mentioned under paragraph #5.
  5. That any issues or conflicts must be resolved among partners in general and the GOAL4Jesus management, based on the ministry of reconciliation and Matthew 18: 16-17
  6. That partners, in general, should represent GOAL4Jesus' purpose and ministry based on the information found on its website in an accurate manner, without any misrepresentation whatsoever.
  7. That partners, in general, may use the logo, slogan, and/or other related information found on its website for stationery, introductory, presentation, promotion, training, orientation and/or equipping purposes of any interested party individually and/or corporately. Churches and Christian organizations may do the same with their church's or organization's logo and the like.
  8. That partners, in general, are encouraged to consult and/or coordinate with the management of GOAL4Jesus if it is deemed necessary before dealing and/or conducting a formal and large-scale presentation, training, or orientation on GOAL4Jesus' ministry.
  9. That individual partner disciples are reminded to strive in taking care of their Christian walk and spiritual life in a Christ-like manner with an emphasis on their meditation upon God's word, prayer life, fellowship, and unity with other brethren.
  10. That individual partner disciples are expected to be responsible citizens, good neighbors, environmentally-friendly, as well as advocates of the protection of nature and the eco-system -- including partners in general.
  11. That partners, in general, are prohibited to use this ministry site to do secular business and are to continuously treat this ministry site as an assembly and/or the Body of Christ where it is not a marketplace. However, off the site, at individual and small group levels, a decent livelihood, business idea, and/or side income initiative may be introduced in a proper venue, and without any form of misrepresentation or trickery. Introducing parties are morally responsible for any conflict and/or serious issues that may arise in doing business among ministry partners of GOAL4Jesus, thus, will be dealt with in an appropriate manner, not limited to legal liability.
  12. That any infraction and/or violation of these terms and conditions as well as other wrongdoings against GOAL4Jesus, partner disciples, affiliates, partners in general will be dealt with the appropriate action(s).
  13. That the Holy Bible, the ministry and gospel of Jesus Christ, and the Creed of Faith found on this ministry site will be the main basis of "Oneness and Unity" among all member disciples in joining this worldwide Evangelism and Great Commission site. Thus, minor differences in each denomination's doctrine, tenets, and practices should not cause the individual Body of Christ or churches to disunite, be critical, or create a political field within and/or against GOAL4Jesus, its members, partners, and stakeholders. The focuses, therefore, are the common grounds of our "Oneness" in Christ Jesus, the only Lord and Savior, the Way, the Truth, and the Life - John 14:6.
  14. That these terms and conditions are subject to change, with or without prior notice, when it may be deemed necessary, for the benefit and/or interest of the ministry and the concern of all stakeholders.