GOAL 3B-2050

Reaching out to the world – 3 billion people by 2050 with the gospel and love of our Lord Jesus Christ.


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Lord Jesus Christ


Chief Executive Stewards (CES)x 4 (4 Limited Positions)


Deputy Executive Stewards (DES) x 12 (12 Limited Positions)


Vice Executive Stewards (VES) x 12 COS per VES (No Limit Positions)


Chief Operating Stewards (COS) x 12 VOS x 248,832 = 2,985,984 (for VES)


Vice Operating Stewards (VOS) x 12 SOS x 20,736 = 248,832 (for COS)


Senior Operating Stewards (SOS) x 12 SS x 1,728 = 20,736 (for VOS)


Supervising Stewards (SS) x 12 DT x 12 JD x 12 SD = 1,728 (for SOS)


Senior Disciples (SD) x 12 DT x 12 JD = 144 (for SS position)


Junior Disciples (JD) x 12 DT = 12 (for SD position)


Disciple Trainees (DT)

(as qualified partner-servant = see ref. #2 below)

Upon reaching the COS level with the qualifying number of CCS's of 248,832 x 12, the COS will then be a candidate for a VES position. This means that every VES would eventually have a maximum of a network of 2,985,984 CSS under them -- that he/she will continue to oversee. This can be tracked through the multi-level software of the GOAL4Jesus2050 site in the back office of each partner-servant. Thus, the number of CCS's at various levels all the way up to 2,985,984 CCS's under each VES will be kept track of via a multi-level software platform -- as the number of VES's continues to increase through the x12 equation.


  1. Based on the multiplication by 12 equation, each Vice Executive Steward (VES) should eventually have up to 2,985,984 Christ-Commissioned Stewards (CCS) when the ministry structure under each VES is fully-occupied from Disciple Trainee (DT) up. As figured on the ministry structure, the VES position is practically limitless as long as there is a corresponding ministry opportunity or mission field -- along with the prospective CCS's originating from the bottom.
  2. Basically, as front liners, all Junior and Senior Disciples are responsible for recruiting, training, and mentoring prospective partner-servants or Disciple Trainees (DTs).

    On the other hand, with the system and resources inplaced on the Goal4Jesus2050 site, any spiritually-prepared believer can self-train and equip themself based on the How It Works guidelines. Thus, the multiplication by twelve (or x12) equation will serve as the on-the-job training (OJT) of a Disciple Trainee (DT) -- of which the recruitment and mentoring of another twelve DTs will be the basis of their qualification for the Junior Disciple position. Hence, the exponential growth of partner-servants based on the x12 equation with the corresponding position follows accordingly.
  3. All ranks or positions from Vice Executive Stewards (VES) down are considered as no-limit positions horizontally -- based on the x12 equation from the bottom up.
  4. The ministry's organizational structure is only for the purposes of managing and leading the GOAL4Jesus2050 ministry as an organization. Being equal before God, all partner-servants, brothers, and sisters in Christ are Christ-Commissioned Stewards (CSS). Thus, we are all one in Christ Jesus -- cf. Galatians 3:28.
  5. Any questions in regards to this ministry structure and the multiplication by twelve (or x12) equation, will be explained/discussed person-to-person or in a group setting/fellowship within your network of ministry partners.